Na tému noviniek vo Windows 8.1 Update z pohľadu užívateľa bolo v minulých týždňoch napísané pomerne veľa článkov.
Ak vás táto oblasť zaujíma, využite niektorú z čerstvo uvedených brožúr, ktoré sú k dispozícii na stiahnutie:
- Windows 8.1 Update Quick Guide for Business - This 16 page brochure-type quick guide provides a basic introduction to key Windows 8.1 features and capabilities in business settings – how to get around, navigate, manage apps, work on desktop, and personalize Windows 8.1. It can be used as first introduction of Windows 8.1 to business users. Customers can get the raw files for printing and customization if they want to produce hard copies and give it away as training assets to users.
- Windows 8.1 Update Power User Guide for Business - This 20 pages brochure-type guide is designed for users who want to learn more about the advanced features of Windows 8.1, such as Taskbar customization, Task Manager, Internet Explorer 11, Windows To Go, Miracast, and File Explorer. Power users will enjoy learning about how to get the most out of their Windows 8.1 devices. Customers can get the raw files for printing and customization if they want to produce hard copies and give it away as training assets to users.
- Windows 8.1 Update how-to videos for business users - A series of short videos designed for business users to learn about basic Windows 8.1 features and capabilities via guided, step-by-step instruction. These videos can be used as self-learning tools for users and facilitate Windows 8.1 adoption.
- Windows 8.1 Update User Readiness Toolkit - It includes in-house trainer kits to help IT organizations efficiently deliver Windows 8.1 trainings to users, as well as user learning roadmap, user tip sheet, email template library, posters and flyers – designed for IT department to create user awareness and excitement to facilitate Windows 8.1 adoption.