Pripravili sme pre vás s výber najnovších najzaujímavejších kurzov a výukových videí. Ďalšie kurzy nájdete na MVA a výukové videá na Channel9.
Pre IT odborníkov
Accelerate Your Journey to the Cloud with Integrated Identity
Run Azure Services in Your Datacenter
Running Linux in Microsoft Azure
Hybrid IT Management Part 1: Insights, Visibility, and Security Analytics
Azure Backend for Android & iOS apps
Office 365 ProPlus Deployment Deep Dive
Integrate, Deliver, and Deploy Continuously with Cloud DevOps
Windows 10 and Office 2016: The Cloud-Ready Desktop
Windows Security & Forensics
Deploy Virtual Machines in the Cloud: Part 1
Deploy Virtual Machines in the Cloud: Part 2
Extend Your Datacenter to the Cloud
Modernize Your Datacenter
Deliver an Elastic Data Warehouse as a Service
Záznamy z konferencie MS FEST
Azure SQL Database v otázkach a odpovediach (Ján Repiský)
Create the internet of your things (Laurent Ellerbach)
MVVM and Template 10 (Matteo Pagani)
Life of an Universal Windows app(Matteo Pagani)
Pre vývojárov
Microsoft Graph - úvod
Building Apps for Continuum
What's New for Developers in Windows 10 Version 1511 and the 10586 SDK
PowerApps + Azure App Service for Developers
PowerApps Pro Dev API Experience
.NET for UWP Part 1: Introduction to CoreFX
.NET for UWP Part 2: Introduction to .NET Native
ASP.NET 5: Performance
New Features in Visual Studio 2015 for C++ Developers
A demo tour of updates to Power BI Pro
Entity Framework 7
Windows 10 Development for Absolute Beginners
Angular Applications with TypeScript
XAML for Windows 10: Controls