Prednedávnom som napísal článok o tom, na akých systémoch sú vlastne aktuálne Exchange servery 2007 a 2010 podporované. Asi najkontroverznejšia časť bola o tom, že Exchange Server 2007 sa nedá nainštalovať na najnovší serverový operačný systém, teda Windows Server 2008 R2.

Exchange Server 2010

Avšak po veľkom odpore zákazníkov, ktorí argumentovali hlavne tým, že chcú mať jednotné prostredie serverových operačných systémov, sa Exchange team rozhodol túto stratégiu zmeniť a bolo prisľúbené, že v priebehu roka 2010 bude uvoľnená aktualizácia pre Exchange Server 2007, ktorá inštaláciu na nový Windows Server 2008 R2 umožní.
We always talk about listening to customers and sometimes this is written off by many as 'marketing speak'. In fact, we do take feedback seriously and no input is more important to our engineering processes than your voice.

Earlier this year we made a decision in one direction, and due to the feedback we have received on this blog and elsewhere, we have reconsidered. In the coming calendar year we will issue an update for Exchange 2007 enabling full support of Windows Server 2008 R2. We heard from many customers that this was important for streamlining their operations and reducing administrative challenges, so we have changed course and will add R2 support. We are still working through the specifics and will let you know once we have more to share on the timing of this update.
So, keep the feedback coming. We are listening.
Kevin Allison
GM Exchange Customer Experience